Corporate Social Responsibility

Contributing to people, society, and the global environment through the health industry

Carbon Offset

Protect the blue sky. Change the future.

Carbon Offset

CloudNine Co., Ltd. has introduced a carbon offset system with the aim of contributing to the prevention of global warming.
We promote our environmental philosophy of “protecting clear blue skies” by proactively working to reduce CO2 emissions throughout our company’s activities and participating in projects that reduce and absorb greenhouse gas emissions.

What is carbon offset?

Through our daily lives and business activities, we consume a large amount of energy and emit CO2.
Even if we try to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through direct efforts, there are still some things that cannot be reduced.
Offsetting (carbon offset) is the process of making up for all or part of the emissions that cannot be reduced by reducing and absorbing emissions elsewhere.

CloudNine invests in tree-planting activities to compensate for CO2 emissions that cannot be reduced through direct efforts by absorbing all or part of the CO2 emitted through tree-planting.

Goal of introducing carbon offset

Our company wanted to work together with our loyal customers to improve environmental issues.
To accomplish this, we introduced a system in which our regular users can participate in carbon offset efforts by using our products.
By purchasing Refeelas, an NMN product, you can indirectly participate in carbon offset efforts.

Products contributing to carbon offset

Carbon offset initiatives and activities

Tree-planting activities at “CloudNine Forest”

A portion of the proceeds from your purchase of Refeelas is donated to larch tree planting activities in Tonguri Village, Mongolia. Donations are tallied every month and go towards increasing the number of larch saplings planted in the area. The larch plantation, which is gradually expanding through donations, is named “CloudNine Forest,” and each tree will offset approximately 16% of the annual CO2 emissions associated with the driving of one car for 30 years.

Additionally, September 9th of each year has been designated as “CloudNine Day.” This annual celebration is set to promote environmental contributions based on CloudNine’s corporate philosophy of “protecting clear blue skies.” In 2020 and 2021, we livestreamed environmental events online, and for two consecutive years, we have planted 99 larch trees.

View planting certificate

(Planting certificate is updated every 3 months)

Initiatives for carbon offset in the printing process

For some of the printed materials we use, we support the reduction of CO2 emissions by using the “Carbon Offset System” developed by Fujifilm Corporation, and reduce CO2 emissions by using “completely treatment-free thermal CTP plates” in our printing process. We produce printed matter through the Green Graphic Project, which offsets carbon emissions and makes it what is called a “carbon zero plate.”

The applicable printed materials include the Green Graphic Project logo and the following message: This printed material contributes to the prevention of global warming by using a printing plate that is carbon offset with emissions credits obtained from CO2 emission reduction projects in developing countries.


SDGs Declaration

SDGs Declaration

Based on our basic philosophy of “contributing to people’s healthy and prosperous lifestyles and local communities,” we at CloudNine aim to solve various issues by balancing “healthy and prosperous lifestyles” with the realization of a sustainable society.
We also declare that we will protect the “clear blue sky” above the highest clouds, which relates to the origin of our company name.

Social Contributions

Striving to become a company the world needs.

Social Contributions

In order to fulfill our responsibility as a part of society, we will promote our corporate activities in cooperation with the local community.
We will fulfill our social responsibility to be a company that society needs by expanding the circle of our ongoing efforts through the active involvement of all people in social contribution activities, cooperating with our customers, and building partnerships.

Responding to an Aging Society

Striving to realize a society where people can be themselves and shine, no matter what their age.

Responding to an Aging Society

Japan is facing a rapidly aging society.
An increasing number of people are worried about their health and elderly care.
Our business strength, focusing on health, proposes “healthy and fulfilling lifestyles” and the creation of a society where seniors can live their lives to the fullest and shine as themselves forever.

Childcare/Educational Support

What we can do for the young people who will be our leaders in the future?

Childcare/Educational Support

It is important for the next generation of children to have an environment where all children, regardless of where they live or what kind of home they are born into, have equal opportunities to pursue their dreams and gain a variety of experiences.
What can we do now for our children?
We aim to realize a child-friendly society by supporting children who have visions for the future, preventing isolation, and alleviating the worries of the parents who are raising children.

Disaster and Recovery Support

A spirit of helping one another. Harnessing everyone’s power for recovery.

Disaster and Recovery Support

In recent years, Japan has been hit by unprecedented disasters and hardships. We will cooperate with recovery support through various activities and actively provide support to everyone affected by disasters.With a spirit of helping one another, we strive to be available to those in need and bring smiles to their faces.
We will provide support so that you can live with peace of mind.
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